Preserving African American History in Horry County, SC

WRHS seeks to engage the public to:
Map African American sites throughout Horry County eligible for the National Register of Historic Places
Nominate African American businesses for historical significance
Collect stories of African American elders reflecting their early years living in Horry County
Recommend African American organizations and legacies for historical significance.
WRHS serves to:
Provide educational offerings for the educational organizations and the public
Provide knowledgeable WRHS Members to serve as speakers and historians
Encourage more opportunities for reflection on the impact of African American history in all our shared history
Preserve African American history for future generations
Photos courtesy of The State (SC) Newspaper Photograph Archive - Atlantic Beach, SC and private collections.

If you would like to share your stories, sites, business recommendations and/or historic photographs, please submit your information to whittemorehistorical@gmail.com, or contact us by submission below.
Someone will get in touch with you shortly.
By uploading your submission, you are providing your consent to share this information
on our website and social media outlets.